Sunday, August 1, 2010

Wow, looks like my blog really took off. I haven't written in it in over one year. I guess I totally forgot about it. Oh well, such is the life of a mom, doctor, wife, homemaker, jogger, gameplayer, church goer, friend, party giver, facebooker etc etc. Our most recent big activity was Aiden's birthday. So now I will attempt to upload photos of his birthday. His party was a great success. He loved his light saber cake I painstakingly made and the hour long visit from Darth Vader was something I hope he never forgets. He has great friends and he is an awesome kid. Last night he spent the night at one of his best friends which is probably the only reason I am getting to type and he isn't fighting to get on my lap and change the site to Star Wars Legos. Our time together lately has been a lot of Wii playing. Aiden got a Wii for his bday and now the whole family is in to golfing, ping pong, canoeing etc. Well, we will see if I post again before next summer.